by Nicole Platte | Environmental
I get this question a lot: “How can I know that mold is the reason I’m so sick.” Well, you can and you can’t. There is no blood test that you can go get from your doctor to “check for mold,” and since Mold Toxicity Syndrome...
by Nicole Platte | Environmental, Tests
The following are doctors and medical practices who are known to refer patients to the online Visual Contrast Sensitivity test for neurotoxin exposure. Many of them likely use Dr. Shoemaker’s pharmaceutical-based protocol for mold detoxification and other...
by Nicole Platte | Environmental
First, let’s review some definitions to make sure we are all on the same page: A persistent toxin is one that is not efficiently eliminated by the body. A neurotoxin is a toxin that causes trouble in the nervous system. Mycotoxins (mold toxins) fall into...
by Nicole Platte | Environmental
Environmental mold poisoning is more common than most people think, though it is not understood or even acknowledged to exist by most doctors, and certainly not by the drug companies. Landlords would rather not believe it exists. In most cases, mold infestations and...
by Nicole Platte | Environmental
Everything in Walmart smells the same because the factory makes sure they do This apparent uniformity is something shoppers are used to. Maybe it makes us buy more. I shop at a lot of resale establishments to avoid some of that chemical overload That sounds like a...